The “Planetary Systems” team at IA focuses its activities around two major branches: Exoplanet research and Solar System atmospheres.
All this research is supported by our strong leading participation in a number of international projects and collaborations, including ESO and ESA projects and missions.

Latest press releases

James Webb Space Telescope offers best glimpse into the ice of the early Solar System
Published 19 December, 2024 in Outreach

A team that includes an Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço researcher used the James Webb Space Telescope to identify, categorize its chemistry, dynamics and place of birth of... read more ❯
A rare Venus solar transit helps unravel atmospheres outside the Solar System
Published 5 December, 2024 in Outreach

Em junho de 2012, a sonda Hinode (da JAXA e da NASA), dedicada ao estudo do Sol, observou o trânsito do planeta Vénus diante do disco solar. Créditos: JAXA/NASA/Lockheed Martin

A team led by the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) analysed data from this century’s last Venus solar transit and validated methods to study the atmosphere of Earth-sized... read more ❯


Upcoming activities

There are no new activities planned yet.

Past activities

PoET Workshop 2024

A 3-day workshop with the main goal of discussing The use of the Sun as a proxy for correcting/modelling stellar activity, the role of PoET in this effort and collaborations with other facilities; The detailed instrumental design of PoET; Building a science community around PoET.
Free registration

4th Planetary Systems Day @ IA

IA planetary systems group is organizing the 4th yearly Planetary Systems Day @ IA. The day will feature presentations of planetary research works being done by the team and external collaborators, plus a presentation and discussion sessions dedicated to the forthcoming ESA space mission PLATO.
Free registration

PoET Workshop 2023

A 2-day workshop with the main goal of discussing The use of the Sun as a proxy for correcting/modelling stellar activity, the role of PoET in this effort and collaborations with other facilities; The detailed instrumental design of PoET; Building a science community around PoET.
Free registration



FIERCE aims at providing the long-needed step forward to tackle the challenges of stellar activity on the search for Exoearths. The detection and Read more