Journal Club

The Planets Team has regular Journal Clubs. Everyone is very welcome to join!
Here you can find information regarding the papers to be discussed in the next sessions, as well as the works already presented.

Some tips for your presentation:

  • The goal of these presentations is to quickly share a recent paper or result that is relevant for our fields and have a quick discussion about its main content.
  • Focus on the most important aspect you want to show or discuss, it can be a new method, a controversial result, an open question, the paper’s shortcomings or something else.
  • Don’t be afraid of not going over data/models that are not very relevant in the scope of the presentation.
  • Feel free to use different formats for your presentations. Slides and more dynamic visual representations can be easier to follow for the audience than paper format.
  • Give some context to the paper, especially if the authors have failed to acknowledge that what they are saying is controversial.
  • Simple visual representations of complex ideas, pathways, or techniques to help your audience better understand the information. Sometimes it’s better to “sacrifice” part of the paper in order to get a more simple message clearly through.

When: Every two weeks – Tuesdays following the Planets Team Meetings (~15h30)
Agenda: Two presentations (5 min + 5-10 min discussion each)
Duration: 20-30 min
Connection: Zoom link – Planets team meetings

Paper library:
If you find an interesting paper but you don’t have time to read and present it, please add it to our library, so someone else can present it, or use it in case you need an idea for your next presentation.
Please let us know if you don’t have permission to add papers to the library!


Next Speakers (2024/2025):
Volunteers are always welcome! If you find a cool paper, feel free to present!!
Order is not absolutely mandatory, can be changed upon request.


Date Speakers Topic
September 10th André Silva RedDots: Limits on habitable and undetected planets orbiting
nearby stars GJ 832, GJ 674, and Ross 128. F. Liebing
September 24th Ana Rita Silva Mapping the exo-Neptunian landscape: A ridge between the desert and savanna. A. Castro-González et al.
October 8th Jennifer Peralta Lucero
João Gomes da Silva
HATS-38 b and WASP-139 b join a growing group of hot Neptunes on polar orbits
J. Espinoza-Retamal et al.

Predicting convective blueshift and radial-velocity dispersion due to granulation for FGK stars. S. Dalal et al.
October 22nd Alba Barka
Federica Rescigno (guest)
Predicting the Galactic population of free-floating planets from realistic initial conditions. Coleman, G. ; DeRocco, W.
The mean longitudinal magnetic field and its uses in radial-velocity surveys. Rescigno F. et al.
November 5th Yuri Damasceno The atmospheric composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-178 b observed with ESPRESSO. Damasceno, Y. C.
November 19th Koraljka Mužić Redshifting the Study of Cold Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets: the Mid-Infrared Wavelength Region as an Indicator of Surface Gravity and Mass. Leggett, S. K.
December 3rd Pedro Machado Molybdenum isotopic evidence for the late accretion of outer Solar System material to Earth. G Budde
December 17th Afonso Mota
Vardan Adibekyan
Habitability: A Review. C.S. Cockell,
A link between rocky exoplanet composition and stellar age. Angharad Weeks
January 14th Clara Sousa Silva The Impact of Extended H2O Cross Sections on Temperate Anoxic Planet Atmospheres:
Implications for Spectral Characterization of Habitable Worlds. W. Broussard
February 11th Nuno Peixinho

Daniela Espadinha

A JWST/DiSCo-TNOs portrait of the primordial Solar System through its trans-Neptunian objects, N Pinilla-Alonso
Rapid Automated Mapping of Clouds on Titan With Instance Segmentation. Z Yahn
February 25th Eduardo Cristo
Diogo Quirino
March 11th Eduardo Gonçalves
Filipe Pereira
March 25th João Dias
José Ribeiro
April 8th José Rodrigues
Marta Cortesão
April 22nd Alexandros Antoniadis Karnavas
Nuno Rosário
May 6th Olivier Demangeon
Pedro Branco
May 20th Pedro Viana
Rafael Rianço Silva
June 3rd Sérgio Sousa
Susana Barros

Previous presentations (2023/2024):


Date Speakers Topic
October 10th Nuno Rosário
Daniela Espadinha
A novel eccentricity parameterization for transit-only models
A giant volcanic island in an early Martian Ocean?
October 24th Susana Barros
Eduardo Cristo
Carbon-bearing Molecules in a Possible Hycean Atmosphere
The Mantis Network. III. Expanding the limits of chemical searches within ultra-hot Jupiters: New detections of Ca I, V I, Ti I, Cr I, Ni I, Sr II, Ba II, and Tb II in KELT-9 b
November 7th Diogo Quirino Venus’s atmospheric nitrogen explained by ancient plate tectonics
November 21st Vardan Adibekyan
Diogo Quirino
ExoMDN: Rapid characterization of exoplanet interior structures with mixture density networks
The distribution of CO2 on Europa indicates an internal source of carbon
December 5th Pedro Viana
José Ribeiro
The magnetically quiet solar surface dominates HARPS-N solar RVs during low activity
Vertical Distribution of Aerosols and Hazes Over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and Its Surroundings in 2016 From HST/WFC3 Imaging
January 16th Filipe Pereira Occurrence rate of hot Jupiters orbiting red giant stars
February 27th João Dias Minor species in Venus’ night side troposphere as observed by VIRTIS-H/Venus Express
April 9th Bárbara Soares Metallicity-dependent signatures in the Kepler planets
May 7th Ângela Santos
Elisa Delgado Mena
Searching for Free-Floating Planets with TESS: I. Discovery of a First Terrestrial-Mass Candidate
At least one in a dozen stars shows evidence of planetary ingestion
May 21st Sérgio Sousa The mass-radius relation of exoplanets, revisited
June 4th Nuno Santos

Nuno Santos

Investigating stellar activity through eight years of Sun-as-a-star observations. B. Klein et al. 2024
Confrontation between modelled solar integrated observables and direct observations I. Radial velocities and convective blueshift. N. Meunier et al. 2024
June 18th Francisco Brasil Atmospheric gravity waves in Venus dayside clouds from VIRTIS-M images. J. E. Silva et al. 2024
July 16th Carmen San Nicolas Unveiling the ice and gas nature of active centaur (2060) Chiron using the James Webb Space Telescope. N. Pinilla-Alonso et al.
↓ Previous presentations (2022/2023)
Date Speakers Topic
November 30th Ana Rita Silva
José Eduardo Silva
Towards a new era in giant exoplanet characterisation
Neptune and Uranus: ice or rock giants?
December 15th
João Faria Connecting photometric and spectroscopic granulation signals with CHEOPS and ESPRESSO
January 5th Vardan Adibekyan
Diogo Quirino
Density, not radius, separates rocky and water-rich small planets orbiting M dwarf stars
The Outer Edge of the Venus Zone around Main-sequence Stars
January 19th Tomás Silva High-resolution atmospheric retrievals of WASP-121b transmission spectroscopy with ESPRESSO: Consistent relative abundance constraints across multiple epochs and instruments
February 2nd Sérgio Sousa The mass-radius relation of intermediate-mass planets outlined by hydrodynamic escape and thermal evolution
February 16th Bárbara Soares A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models
March 2nd José Ribeiro
Elisa Delgado Mena
Deep and methane-rich lakes on Titan
Internal structures and magnetic moments of rocky planets. Application to the first exoplanets discovered by TESS
March 17th João Dias
Filipe Pereira
Martian CO2 Ice Observation at High Spectral Resolution With ExoMars/TGO NOMAD
Identifying Exoplanets with Deep Learning. V. Improved Light-curve Classification for TESS Full-frame Image Observations
March 30th João Gomes da Silva An unlikely survivor: a low-density hot Neptune orbiting a red giant star
April 13th Pedro Viana Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions
April 27th Nuno Santos
Pedro Machado
WASP-131 b with ESPRESSO I: A bloated sub-Saturn on a polar orbit around a differentially rotating solar-type star
The case and context for atmospheric methane as an exoplanet biosignature
May 11th Jorge Martins Line-by-line Velocity Measurements: an Outlier-resistant Method for Precision Velocimetry
May 25th André Silva Improved precision of radial velocity measurements after correction for telluric absorption
July 13th William Dethier (Guest) Combined analysis of stellar and planetary absorption lines via global forward-transit simulations

↓ Previous presentations (2021/2022)
Date Speaker Topic
July 22nd Vardan Adibekyan
Olivier Demangeon
A low-eccentricity migration pathway for a 13-h-period Earth analogue in a four-planet system
Spatially-resolving the terminator: Variation of Fe, temperature and winds in WASP-76 b across planetary limbs and orbital phase;
July 7th André Silva Applications of a Gaussian process framework for modelling of high-resolution exoplanet spectra
June 23rd Pedro Viana An Integrative Analysis of the Rich Planetary System of the Nearby Star e Eridani: Ideal Targets for Exoplanet Imaging and Biosignature Searches
May 27th Daniela C. Espadinha Transfer of Rocks between Planetary Systems: Panspermia Revisited
May 13th Elisa Delgado-Mena Detailed chemical compositions of planet-hosting stars
April 29th Bárbara M. T. B. Soares;
João Gomes da Silva;
Chemical equilibrium between Cores, Mantles, and Atmospheres of Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes, and Implications for their Compositions, Interiors and Evolution
Into the Depths: a new activity metric for high-precision radial velocity measurements based on line depth variations
February 14th Discussion of the GPRV conference
March 18th Francisco Brasil;
Jorge Humberto;
Hidden water in magma ocean exoplanets
Black Mirror: The impact of rotational broadening on the search for reflected light from 51 Pegasi b with high resolution spectroscopy
February 14th Nuno Santos “FIERCE” (ERC project) and some related papers (Rackham+2018 and Haywood+2020)
January 10th Nuno Rosário;
José Ribeiro;
Ana Rita
Hidden water in magma ocean exoplanets
Longitudinal variations in the stratosphere of Uranus from the Spitzer infrared spectrometer
Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet’s atmosphere
December 6th José Silva Ice Giant Systems: The Scientific Potential of Orbital Missions to Uranus and Neptune
November 22nd André Miguel A. C. V. Silva New Periodograms Separating Orbital Radial Velocities and Spectral Shape Variation
November 8th Diogo Quirino Day-night cloud asymmetry prevents early oceans on Venus but not on Earth
October 11st Eduardo A. S. Cristo No umbrella needed: Confronting the hypothesis of iron rain on WASP-76b with post-processed general circulation models
September 27th Tomás Silva A Heavy Molecular Weight Atmosphere for the Super-Earth π Men c
↓ Previous presentations (2020/2021)
Date Speaker Topic
July 7th José Rodrigues TOI-942b: A Prograde Neptune in a ∼60 Myr old Multi-transiting System
June 7th Tomás Silva Assessing telluric correction methods for Na detections with
high-resolution exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
May 24th Pedro Machado Venus Atmospheric Dynamics at Two Altitudes: Akatsuki and Venus Express Cloud Tracking, Ground-Based Doppler Observations and Comparison with Modelling
May 10th Susana C. C. Barros A Fast, 2D Gaussian Process Method Based on Celerite: Applications to Transiting Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization
April 26th Sérgio A. G. Sousa Searching for Extragalactic Exoplanetary Systems: the Curious Case of BD+20 2457
April 12th Gabriella Gilli Claimed Detection of PH3 in the Clouds of Venus is consistent with mesospheric SO2
March 29th Olivier D. S. Demangeon Analytic Light Curves in Reflected Light: Phase Curves, Occultations, and Non-Lambertian Scattering for Spherical Planets and Moons
March 15th Elisa Delgado Mena Europium as a lodestar: diagnosis of radiogenic heat production in terrestrial exoplanets
March 1st Vardan Zh. Adibekyan Bridging the Planet Radius Valley: Stellar Clustering as a Key Driver for Turning Sub-Neptunes into Super-Earths
February 15th Jorge H. C. Martins The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXIX. No detection of reflected light from 51 Peg b using optical high-resolution spectroscopy
February 1st João N. T. Gomes da Silva Auto-correlation functions of astrophysical processes, and their relation to Gaussian processes. Application to radial velocities of different starspot configurations
January 18th Babatunde Akinsanmi The Exomoon Corridor: Half of all exomoons exhibit TTV frequencies within a narrow window due to aliasing
January 7th Alexandros Antoniadis Karnavas Formation of multiple-planet systems in resonant chains around M dwarfs
December 17th André Miguel A. C. V. Silva A public HARPS radial velocity database corrected for systematic errors
December 2nd Saeed Hojjatpanah The Probability that a Rocky Planet’s Composition Reflects its Host Star
November 17th João P. Faria Separating planetary reflex Doppler shift from stellar variability in the wavelength domain & Identifying Exoplanets with Deep Learning. IV. Removing Stellar Activity Signals from Radial Velocity Measurements Using Neural Networks
November 3rd João D. R. Camacho EXPRES. II. Searching for Planets Around Active Stars: A Case Study of HD 101501
October 19th L. Filipe Pereira Exoplanet Validation with Machine Learning: 50 new validated Kepler planets
October 6th José E. O. Silva A Long-lived Sharp Disruption on the Lower Clouds of Venus
September 22nd Eduardo A. S. Cristo Forward modelling and retrievals with PLATON, a fast open source tool & PLATON II: New Capabilities And A Comprehensive Retrieval on HD 189733b Transit and Eclipse Data
September 7th Tomás A. Silva Detection of Na in WASP-21b’s lower and upper atmosphere