ESO signs agreement for ANDES instrument on the ELTPublished 5 June, 2024 in Outreach
The construction of the ANDES spectrograph, to be installed in the largest telescope of the next generation, ESO's ELT, has a strong participation of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do...
read more ❯ First ‘glory’ on hellish distant world?Published 5 April, 2024 in Outreach
Led by an Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço researcher, the team used ESA's Cheops space telescope to observe potential signs of the rainbow-like ‘glory effect’ in the...
read more ❯ Saturn’s moon is a testing ground for finding life beyond the Solar SystemPublished 7 March, 2024 in Outreach
A team led by the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) used Titan’s atmosphere as a natural laboratory to deepen the chemistry of methane, a molecule that, on Earth,...
read more ❯ Jupiter was the target of exoplanet hunterPublished 21 December, 2023 in Outreach
For the first time, an instrument to detect planets light-years away was used on an object within the Solar System, in a study on the winds of Jupiter by the...
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