
IA Seminars

Imagem artística do trânsito do Júpiter quente KELT-11b em frente à estrela HD 93396, uma sub-gigante amarela a 320 anos-luz de distância. Crédito: ESA

IA regularly organizes seminars for invited speakers to share their research activities with the aim to foster collaborations. The themes of these seminars  vary across different areas of astronomy including planetary research. A list of past and upcoming seminars can be found here.

Cookie Seminars


The Cookie Seminar series is a student’s initiative aiming at briefly and informally sharing the different activities the speaker may be involved in, to promote communication and collaboration among IA members in general.

The seminar topics vary widely including activities in planetary research . A list of upcoming and past cookie seminars can be found here.


Upcoming activities

PoET Workshop 2024

A 3-day workshop with the main goal of discussing The use of the Sun as a proxy for correcting/modelling stellar activity, the role of PoET in this effort and collaborations with other facilities; The detailed instrumental design of PoET; Building a science community around PoET.
Free registration

Past activities

4th Planetary Systems Day @ IA

IA planetary systems group is organizing the 4th yearly Planetary Systems Day @ IA. The day will feature presentations of planetary research works being done by the team and external collaborators, plus a presentation and discussion sessions dedicated to the forthcoming ESA space mission PLATO.
Free registration

PoET Workshop 2023

A 2-day workshop with the main goal of discussing The use of the Sun as a proxy for correcting/modelling stellar activity, the role of PoET in this effort and collaborations with other facilities; The detailed instrumental design of PoET; Building a science community around PoET.
Free registration

3rd Planetary Systems Day @ IA

IA planetary systems group is organizing the 3rd of the yearly Planetary Systems Day. The day will feature presentations of planetary research works being done by the team and external collaborators, plus a presentation and discussion sessions dedicated to the forthcoming ESA space mission ARIEL.
Free registration