
Press releases

Ariel mission formally adopted by the European Space Agency
Published 13 November, 2020 in Outreach

Conceção artística do satélite Ariel

This ESA mission, the first dedicated to study the nature, formation and evolution of exoplanets, has a strong participation of several researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA). Learn... read more ❯
A water world in another planetary system
Published 16 October, 2020 in Outreach

Imagem artística do exoplaneta aquático LHS 1140 b

An international team, including several researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), studied in detail the LHS 1140 system and found that the "b" exoplanet, which orbits... read more ❯
First results from CHEOPS reveal peculiar star and extreme exoplanet
Published 28 September, 2020 in Outreach

WASP-189 b: Trânsito e Ocultação

The exoplanet WASP-189 b, detected by a team including several Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researchers, has a temperature of nearly 3200º C. Read ESA's Press Release » Learn... read more ❯
Decades-long deep giant cloud disruption discovered on Venus
Published 5 August, 2020 in Outreach

A planetary-scale cloud discontinuity has been periodically lashing the depths of the thick blanket of clouds on Venus for at least 35 years, says a study with the participation of... read more ❯
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