
Press releases

Head-on collision between distant worlds
Published 6 February, 2019 in Outreach

Representação artística do que terá sido o impacto que terá originado o sistema Terra-Lua.

The first evidence outside the Solar System of the occurrence of planet impacts had the participation of a researcher associated with the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA). Learn... read more ❯
Japanese mission studies the mystery of Venus in collaboration with Portuguese researchers
Published 7 December, 2018 in Outreach

Composição de uma imagem de Vénus obtida no infravermelho, com a Via Láctea em fundo.

One of the mysteries of the Solar System is the fact that the atmosphere of Venus circles the planet sixty times faster than its rotation period, generating permanent winds with... read more ❯
Portuguese scientists in NASA mission to hunt exoplanets
Published 13 April, 2018 in Outreach

Imagem artística do satélite TESS no espaço.

The TESS satellitte, expected to launch next Monday has the involvement of several researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA). Learn more (in Portuguese) » read more ❯
Characterization of an aquatic world on an exoplanetary system
Published 28 March, 2018 in Outreach

A team of astronomers from 11 countries, led by researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), determined with precision the mass of two small exoplanets orbiting star... read more ❯
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