
Press releases

ESO signs agreement for ANDES instrument on the ELT
Published 5 June, 2024 in Outreach

The construction of the ANDES spectrograph, to be installed in the largest telescope of the next generation, ESO's ELT, has a strong participation of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do... read more ❯
First ‘glory’ on hellish distant world?
Published 5 April, 2024 in Outreach

Led by an Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço researcher, the team used ESA's Cheops space telescope to observe potential signs of the rainbow-like ‘glory effect’ in the... read more ❯
Saturn’s moon is a testing ground for finding life beyond the Solar System
Published 7 March, 2024 in Outreach

A atmosfera da maior lua de Saturno esconde a sua superfície sob uma camada global de neblinas espessas e opacas.

A team led by the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) used Titan’s atmosphere as a natural laboratory to deepen the chemistry of methane, a molecule that, on Earth,... read more ❯
Jupiter was the target of exoplanet hunter
Published 21 December, 2023 in Outreach

Imagem de Júpiter obtida pela sonda Juno, da NASA, em maio de 2019

For the first time, an instrument to detect planets light-years away was used on an object within the Solar System, in a study on the winds of Jupiter by the... read more ❯
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